
Thursday, May 30, 2013

May 29 Law of Attraction

May 29 I have just finished another school year. The end of the school year is busy and in addition my oldest son graduated from high school. We also have cross country starting for my daughter and soccer try outs for my son. As a result I have not focused on my goals and made comments on the law of attraction the last five days. However, life is always busy and one can easily fill up a day with activities. If you want change in your life you have to focus changing your life. I enjoy running and have completed a marathon for twenty five years in a row. I always find time to run. Sometimes it is early in the morning, other times late at night. I make running a priority and fit running in my busy schedule and has become a habit that happens each day. I need to start making time for reviewing my new goals and commenting on the law of attraction. For the law of attraction to work, I must visualize and focus on what I want in my life. No excuses just get it done. Every single marathon I have run, I always get tired the last three or four miles. I have learned to just put my head down and finish these last miles because I love the satisfaction of finishing a difficult task. Anyone can apply this same principle to any worthwhile goal. At some point just put your head down and get it done. Let’s look for a little motivation in the following quotes.
“Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.”
― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“Action expresses priorities.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
“Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.”
― Stephen R. Covey

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Wright Law's The teacher you wish you had in school

Wright's Law Video

Why does Mr. Wright’s student love him so much?  I have watched this video several times and one could list several reasons why his students love him and his class. If one would like to also be loved and respected in any job, profession, or sport you can emulate these traits of Mr. Wright. He is positive, enthusiastic, and compassionate.
Let’s first look at enthusiastic. I’m a lifelong teacher so I really appreciate this video. As a teacher Mr. Wright could show up and hand out some great worksheets, complete a great PowerPoint and his job would be done. Instead, he is so enthusiastic, and passionate about physics that he has crazy demonstrations. How can you not love a class with fire, explosions, and a bed of nails? He goes a step beyond and very enthusiastically presents his material. I have learned from teaching many years that students know when you are faking it and just going through the motions. Students don’t like these types of teachers. Instead, students love teachers that love their subject and want their students to learn to love this same subject. Enthusiasm is contagious. If you love physics and want your students love physics then you are going to have to do something a little different and beyond what an average teacher will present. People are attracted to this.
•Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a pinch of creativity. -Bo Bennett
•Catch on fire with enthusiasm and people will come for miles to watch you burn. -John Wesley (1703-1791)
Like any other character trait enthusiasm is one you can grow and cultivate in your life. Listen to your own language, are you enthusiastic and positive when you speak to others of negative and depressing to be around. You can choose to be positive.
The other reason Mr. Wright’s students love him is because he is compassionate towards them. They all know that he cares for them and wants them all to succeed in life. This cannot be faked. People are drawn to others when they know that they care for them. Like enthusiasm, compassion is contagious. When you watch the video you know that he cares deeply for his son with Jourbert syndrome and also cares deeply for his students. Again, this is trait that you can develop in your life. It is a choice to care for the people in your life or not.

The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.
Albert Schweitzer

What does this have to do with motivation? After watching this video I’m motivated to go the extra mile in my classroom and to have compassion for my students. This can be as easy as just saying good morning to them each morning as they pass in the hallway. I can think of ways to present my material that is fun and exciting. I’m motivated to be more like Mr. Wright each day to my students, my family, and my coworkers

May 26 Law of Attraction

May 26 Law of Attraction
One of the main premises of the Law of Attraction is that you visualize what you want your life to look like in the future and as a result you will attract this vision into your life. Here is a list of quotes from “The Secret” that help explain how your thoughts create your future.
Choose your thoughts carefully .. you are a masterpiece of your life

EVERYTHING in your life you have attracted .. accept that fact ..
it's true

What you focus on with your thought and feeling is what you attract
into your experience
I have started my experiment with the Law of Attraction because I’m both skeptical and accepting of the law of attraction. For instance, I have known for years that you have a better chance of success if you set goals. Goals would go hand in hand with the law of attraction because you are envisioning the future, or in other words, you are envisioning what you want to create in the future. However, I’m also skeptical and keep thinking” can you really create your future?”
I have made a decision that I’m going to focus on three areas in my life, wealth, health, and relationships. I feel these are three areas that go together. What good is it to have extreme wealth, but poor health. Also, your life will be incomplete if you have your health, wealth, but poor relationships with important people in your life. Therefore, I will set goals and comment on these three areas of my life. I will try to pass on any wisdom that I have learned over the years in these areas and also what new wisdom I come across in the “Law of Attraction experiment.” This blog is very informal and I started it mainly because it forces me to keep thinking about the law of attraction and knowing that I have to blog each day keeps me motivated to learn something new.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Amazing People

What does amazing look like? For a marathoner amazing looks like  a 2:04 marathon. For a skateboarder it could be the first 900 on a half-pipe. I love this video because it visually shows you what amazing looks like. This is really  motivating
If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster, your gifts will take you places that will amaze you.

There are amazingly wonderful people in all walks of life; some familiar to us and others not. Stretch yourself and really get to know people. People are in many ways one of our greatest treasures.

Anyone can do something amazing but amazing does take determination, perseverance, and willingness to accomplish your goal no matter what it takes. When I was a kid I loved skateboarding. When Tony Hawk wrote a book I couldn’t wait to read it. In his book he explained the commitment it took for him to complete the first 900 during an X games competition. He didn’t just show up one day and complete the trick. He actually started trying the trick years earlier. Most times after attempting the 900 he would end up with some type of injury or falling and hitting the ramp very hard. However, he kept after the trick, and was determined to be the first person to complete the trick in competition, Finally, after many attempts and years, and years of skating he pulled off the most famous trick in skateboarding. It is a great feeling to accomplish a difficult goal. The feeling of accomplishment and completing a difficult journey builds your self-esteem, and just makes you smile.

How do you do something amazing in your own life? Start with the following list.

1. Set a big goal. My running goal for next year is to run a sub forty minute 10k. I will need to average six minutes and twenty five seconds a mile. This will be three minutes faster than I ran last year and I will be 53 years old.

2. Map out a tentative plan for accomplishing the big goal. I have mapped out my workouts for the next six months. It always helps to have a plan in order to have direction. Our brains like to have plans to follow.

3. Get to work today. Do something today to accomplish this big goal.

4. Make a commitment to accomplish this goal.  I have a marathon running group that I have run with for ten years. I have learned from this group of people how to set a goal and then put in the work to accomplish this goal no matter what. At times it feels great to put in the work, other times it just feels like work, but you do the work regardless.

I would love to hear what your big goal is that you are trying to accomplish. Please leave a comment and tell us.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Day 10 Law of Attraction

May 23 My ultimate goal is to increase my network to one million dollars by April 15, 2015. In order to increase my net worth I’m going to have to find other sources of revenue. I already have a website called MooMooMath that I know will generate income in the future. I have been envisioning as part of the Law of Attraction experiment new ideas will flow into my life. I stumbled upon a site that promotes ticket brokering. Basically you buy and resale tickets. I have a friend that buys and sales mountain bike on craigslist and EBay. He is able to make about $700 a month with about 10 hours of work. The ticket brokering sounds similar and interesting but I need to do more research and I will report back in a week or so. Today I will end with a motivating quote.
“When you concentrate your energy purposely on the future possibility that you aspire to realize, your energy is passed on to it and makes it attracted to you with a force stronger than the one you directed towards it.”
Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free

Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 9 Law of Attraction

 May 19 “ If you have held thoughts in the past that the only way money can come to you is through your job then let that go immediately” The Secret
I have been a public school teacher for most of my life. I get paid a fair wage but it is modest at best. My household is very good at managing money but has always focused on watching our expenses and not generating income. My brother who has done extremely well and he has always done the opposite, and has focused on generating income and not stressed about his spending. Please remember, you must learn to manage your money to some degree so that you will have either good credit or money to invest or both. I love the quote from “The Secret” because it is a mindset you must adopt in order to attract more money. I have seen this in action in my life. As a result of being extremely frugal we have been able to save some money and invest. I have a goal that each month I will make more in investment money than I do from my teacher salary. I have invested enough to know this can happen if I’m patient and not force impossible results. In 1998 Michael Dell the founder of Dell Computers made a decision to grow his net worth. He hired a money manager and started investing his money. At the time he had around 800 million dollars. He and his investment company have grown that to 15 billion dollars today. Did the 15 billion dollars occur because of his salary at Dell? It grew from his investments. I will continue to imagine great investments will be presented to me that will help me reach my goal of a net worth of 1 million dollars by April 15 2015. I’m motivated to see what opportunities are going to present themselves to me.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Day 8 Law of Attraction

May 18, 2013 “Within you right now is the power to do things you never dreamed possible, this power becomes available to you just as soon as you can change your beliefs.”
Dr. Maxwell Maltz
While researching the Law of Attraction two terms come up over and over again. They are positive attitude and gratitude. I have been thinking through both of these ideas along with the quote above and how to incorporate both of the ideas into my life on a daily basis. I think I have come up with a way to change my beliefs and incorporate a positive attitude and gratitude at the same time into my life. Instead of saying “I hate this job” or “my children make me mad” I’m going to say the following. I’m grateful for ________________, however I welcome ________________________
Here is how it will work. For example, instead of saying “I dislike my job and want a new job.” The negative version would be “I hate this job; I wish I had a new one.”
Positive version “I’m grateful for my job for providing me money, however I would welcome a new opportunity to earn even more money.”
Example number two. What if you have a coach that drives you crazy? Negative version “I hate my coach and he is so irritating to play for.” Positive version, I’m grateful for my coach and his insight, however I welcome a new coach that will help me obtain new goals,”
The more I think about this the more motivated I become for staying positive and grateful.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Day 7 Law of Attraction

May 16 I have just started this experiment on the Law of Attraction and I’m in the early miles of the journey. I’m a lifelong runner and have completed over fifty marathons and one fifty mile race. As a result, I tend to compare many events in my life to a marathon, so here we go again. In the early miles of a marathon everyone is excited, anxious, full of energy, and ready to take on the miles. After an hour or so runners tend to stop talking, start feeling tired, and get down to business. I’m still in the excited, full of energy in this phase of my Law of Attraction Journey. I’m still looking for inspiration and direction for this journey. I downloaded Jack Canfields book “Key to Living the Law of Attraction” In the early chapters it is going over the Law of Attraction and reminding you to stay positive. Nothing real specific yet, however there are a couple of quotes I really like. Here are a couple of motivating quotes to think about.

Once you make a decision, the Universe conspires to make it happen.
Ralph Waldo

Within you right now are the power to do things you never dreamed possible. This power becomes available to you just as soon as you change your beliefs
Dr. Maxwell Maltz
This experiment is about trying to see if the Law of Attraction can actually change your life and if these two quotes are actually true.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Day 6 Law of Attraction

May 13 I have decided that I’m going to stay with my stated goal of a net worth 1,000,000 by April 15, 2015. According to Bob Proctor, who borrowed this from “Think and Grow Rich” I need to write this goal down. Next I need to write down   what I’m willing to do to achieve this goal. Then review the goal twice a day,and finally take action today to achieve this goal. I think I have the bases covered. I have my goal written down and I ‘m willing to work on my investments and online business. I have invested in stocks for fifteen years. I’m an amateur investor which means I win some and lose some. I have figured out a couple of lessons about investing the hard way. The market can be brutal. During the dot com bubble I was able to turn $10,000 into $100,000 in a little over a year. It was a crazy time to invest and it was harder to lose money than make money. A stock I owned went from $10 to $140 in two months. However, greed got the best of me and I got caught long, with maxed out margin, when the market finally caved and I  lost about $ 87,000 in two weeks. Greed will catch up to you. I was risky ,foolish, inexperienced, and was convinced my $100,00 was going to $400,000. I stayed out of the market for two years after this and now take a more modest approach. Investor business daily is so helpful for following the market and if you read it daily it really helps in finding winning stocks, but don’t lose your mind and expect a 30 percent return each year. The market rewards patience, and good, strong, profitable companies. I’m excited, skeptical, but motivated about my goal. I’m not really sure were the 910,000 is going to come from but that is why it is a law of attraction experiment.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Day 5 Law of Attraction

May 12 I have been reflecting back on my life trying to recall if I have had times in which I attracted something into my life. I was reminded of how I inherited my first track team. After college I started helping as a volunteer for a high school track team. I was in charge of helping the distance runners. I loved helping the team and decided that I would try to teach and coach. I had one problem, I was finance major. Fast forward, I went back to school and became certified to teach middle grades. Along the way I was helping track and cross country teams as a volunteer and thinking in my mind how I would love to have a team. I remember having a really strong desire to coach a track and cross country team. After getting my certificate I started teaching at a middle school but didn’t really pursue a coaching position. After my second year of teaching I got a call from the athletic director of a local high school. I was thinking they probably needed another volunteer. To my surprise I was offered the head coaching position of the boys track team. This occurred twenty years ago and I have coached track and cross country since then. I had completely forgotten about this event. I still will put this in the maybe category about attracting something into your life, but it is good food for thought. I have to admit this is kinda motivating, can you really attract what you want into your life?

Day 4 Law of Attraction

May 11 I’m confused as to where do I start with this process of creating my future by thinking it into existence. I decided that I need more research to get to the heart of this Law of Attraction. The name Bob Proctor comes up often when you Google “Law of Attraction” so I went to the app store and downloaded his free app. The app basically goes through six steps to follow to create riches. The six steps are,
·        Write down the exact amount of money you want.
·        Determine what you will do to obtain this amount
·        Set a date to acquire this amount
·        Write a summary statement combining the above steps
·        Take action. Start now by doing some type of action to achieve your goal
·        Review this statement by reading the summary statement out loud each morning and evening.

I guess now I need to come up with a goal. Remember this is a long term project to see if there is any merit to the law of attraction so I need to find a goal in order to get started. Someting that will really motivate me.

Day 3 Law of Attraction Experiment

May 10 After watching “The Secret” the first time I was reminded of a habit I would practice several years ago. After going to the mailbox and once again receiving a bill I told my neighbor jokingly that I was going to start looking for money each time I go to the mailbox instead of bills. So for a month or so I would say to myself “There is going to be a check in the mail today." I can’t remember if I received any money but I do remember it became a fun game to see if I may receive a refund check or something in the mail. After watching “The Secret” I was thinking “I will imagine receiving money in my mailbox” About two weeks later I did go to the mailbox and there was a card for my wife’s birthday from her parents for a check for $100.00 dollars. I’m still debating if this qualifies or not for me receiving money. I’m working on setting my goals and trying to come up with a step by step plan for this experiment much like the myth buster do on their show.I have to admit recieving the check has been pretty motivating

Day 2 Law of Attraction Experiment

May 9 One of the first steps of the Scientific Method is research so let's get started with researching the law of attraction. Like everyone else I will start with Google and type in the search bar, “The secret”. I see that the movie has a website so I will start there. I love my smart phone and see that there is an app so I download the app. It is by Bob Proctor. The app outlines six steps that one should take to start attracting wealth into your life, Interesting, and I’m a bit skeptical. I’m instructed to write down the exact amount, state what I’m willing to give up for the riches, set a date, and review these facts twice a day. I will think about what I would like to earn and what I’m willing to give up tomorrow.I have to admit it seems a liitle odd and silly but I will give it a go. I need to find a motivating goal to start attracting into my life.

Law of Attraction Experiment Let's get started

May 8.2013 I may be late to the party but I was looking around You Tube and came across the documentary “ The Secret” The documentary focuses on the law of attraction and how you can create your future by thinking it into existence. I’m a Science teacher and so I have to be skeptical but it is the documentary was very interesting. So I’m going to create my own “myth buster” type scenario and blog about it daily. It is going to be a nice experiment to see if there is any merit to the “Law of Attraction” I guess I will start by watching “the secret” again, and see if I learn anything new. I will go ahead and set a big goal and start trying to visualize this goal. Let’s try a net worth of 1 million dollars by April 15, 2015. I’m currently about 910,000 dollars shy of this current goal. I’m not starting at zero but this seems like a daunting task. Along the way I will set other goals, research the law of attraction, and try to see if there is anything to this movement. I think the myth buster guys would like my idea and I'm pretty motivated to get started.