
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

How to make a mind map Study Tip # 6

How to make straight A's

Using Mind Maps to increase recall.

Use mind maps to help with recall and creativity. Research has shown mind maps can increase recall up to 30 % over plain lists. They also provide an overview of the subject and can be fun to create.

Here are some guidelines for making a mind map.

1. Draw the topic in the center of the paper.
2. Draw spokes out from the topic. Each spoke is a new subject or idea.
3. Use written descriptions or a picture to describe each new topic or idea.
4. Remember to use color,numbers, and pictures.

For more good study habits see.  MooMooMath/Good Study Habits

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Making straight A's
Study Tip # 5

Avoid weapons of mass distraction.

In order to maximize your study time it helps to avoid distractions.

Here are a couple of tips.
Clear out as many distractions as possible from the room you are studying in.
This includes phone,computer, and T.V. if possible.

Organize your materials before you sit down to study.

If you must use your computer you can use programs like Self Restrain and Self Control to help you avoid being distracted while using your computer.
Finally,break you study load into smaller tasks and work hard to get this task done and then take a short break. Then repeat until you are finished.

For more study tips see.... MooMooMath/Good Study Habits

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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Making straight A's Study Tip # 4

Making straight A's Study Tip # 4

Use a daily agenda.
Using an agenda each day is a very simple way to organize your life and school. As you get older it becomes very difficult to keep up with everything in your life. It is very easy to write all your activities,tests,quizzes in a simple agenda to help you plan ahead and stay organized.

Paper or electronic agenda?
Both types of agendas will work perfectly. It depends on which type you enjoy. I personally like a paper agenda,but many others are in love with Outlook or other types of electronic agendas.

What should I write down in my agenda?
Important dates,tests,quizzes,projects, and other important items in all of your classes.
Daily Homework
Quick summary of what you did in class
Motivational Quotes

The most important key to using your agenda is to check your agenda everyday. A current,neat,organized agenda is of no use if you don't check it often.

For more helpful study tips please see:

MooMooMath/Good Study Habits

For more Making Straight A videos see:

Study Tip # 1

Study Tip # 2

Study Tip # 3

Study Tip # 4

Making Straight A's Study Tip # 3

Making straight A's  Do the Work

In order to make good grades you are going to have to put in some work.
However, work is not bad,but can be good.
It can be very satisfying to accomplish a difficult task that requires work.
Hard work is rewarded.
A proverb says" If a man works hard the land will not be lazy."
Pick any success story and work will be involved.
"In order to be successful you must work,and work can help you be successful.
Just do the work

 For more study tips see... MooMooMath/Study Tips

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How to Make Straight A's / Study Tips that Help # 2

Study Tip # 2

When you study take study breaks,but get up and move during these breaks.
Movement and increased heart rate can be very helpful.
This increased oxygen can help improve your memory,increase brain building chemicals,and wake you up.
What type of movement should it be?
The answer is,what you enjoy.
This could be walking,running,push-ups,yoga,stretches,whatever you enjoy.

So get up and move.

For more study tips please see: MooMooMath Study Tips

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Study Tip # 1
Organize with colors

A simple way to organize your materials is by adding color.
You can organize your notebooks,notes,and even your agenda using different colors.
Think of your brain like a large tree. The greater the number of roots  a tree has underground the stronger the tree will be above the ground. When you use color it increases the neural pathways your brain has to form, which increases your chance of recalling the information later. For instance, if you highlight  key points in blue with your notes then your brain associates blue with important facts,which gives your brain one more way to remember the information.

Color also makes it much easier to find materials like folders,note cards, and other important school items.

For more Making Straight A videos see:

Study Tip # 1

Study Tip # 2

Study Tip # 3

Study Tip # 4

Good Study Habits