
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Invest in Yourself-Simple Life Changing Habit

Gratitude Journal
Invest in Yourself #4

This simple habit will take about five minutes a night,but can have a huge impact on your life.

Here is the habit.

For  thirty days, right before going to bed, write down three habits you are grateful for.

You can write it down in a spiral notebook,fancy journal, or on your phone , but write it down.

That's it.

At the end of thirty days go back and read your journal entry's  and smile.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Investing in Yourself # 3

The last post encouraged all of us to develop the habit of reading daily. The next question is " what should I read? " My answer would be to read books or articles on areas of your life hat you wish to grow in. For instance, if you are struggling financially then start reading financial books. If relationships are a struggle then begin here. One thing that I find rally helpful is to go to Amazon and use the reviews to help with my decision. 

For example, I wish to improve my finances by saving more and then investing. I really have no idea what to read so I go to Amazon.

I type in "personal finance" and the top two choices are,

I then start reading the reviews, and see what other people say about the book. I then download or purchase the book I feel had the best reviews. I have found this to be very helpful.
I then start reading this book during my daily reading time.

Again, start in the area of your life you wish to enhance first, and start learning something new.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Investing in Yourself/Develop a Reading Habit

If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads.

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

One of the gifts of life is the written word. In my life I have read several books that have changed my life. One book was "The Tightwad Gazette". My first child had just been born, and we wanted my wife to stay home. At the time we thought it would be impossible to live on one salary. The book inspired us to start living frugally, and my wife left her job, and we actually saved more money on one salary.
A first step in "Investing in Yourself" is to make daily reading of educational,positive, and motivating books a daily habit. For the last twenty years I have the habit of reading for fifteen minutes right before going to bed. Jack Canfield in his book "The Success Principles" recommends reading each morning.
Hal Elrod in his highly successful book " The Mircle Morning" has a daily time of reading a part of his morning ritual.

Action Step: Commit to a time each day in which you will read for at least 15 minutes a educational,self help, or uplifting book.

Tomorrow I will give a short list of recommended books.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Make "Investing in Yourself " a Habit

Why do people invest? People invest in order to make their money grow. A good investment can double or even triple your money. A bad investment can wipe out your savings. This will be lesson one of thirty lessons on investing in yourself. Why invest in yourself? To make your life grow. The growth can be in the area of relationships,health,finances, and occupation. The best way to invest in yourself is to make it a habit. A positive habit, repeated consistently, can make a huge positive impact on someones life. 

For the last two years I have listened to a podcast called EOFire while I run. On the podcast successful entrepreneurs are interviewed. After listening to over 500 shows I see a pattern. Each of his successful entrepreneur invest in themselves. They may get up early and have an hour of power, or pay to go to workshops, maybe they have a mentor, or even commit to listening to positive messages while driving instead of the radio. Bottom line, they understand how important it is to grow as a person.

During the next thirty lessons I will provide resources, tips, and stories that will help you invest in yourself.

Friday, November 13, 2015

5 Easy and Powerful ways to Invest in Yourself

We all want abundance in all areas of our life. You can increase your odds of abundance by investing in yourself. Here are easy and powerful ways to invest in yourself.

Find time for daily exercise.

Read motivating,inspiring, and educational books

Find time for adventure.

Find time for daily reflection, and weekly goal setting.

Find time for sleep.

The more you invest in yourself, over time you will find your abidance will increase in many areas of your life.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Inspirational amd Motivational Quotes 2

Enjoy the motivating and inspirational quotes. It is always nice to start with inspiring and motivating words to get your day started right, or to think about before you go to bed.

 MooMooMath uploads a new inspirational quote each Thursday

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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Talk about your joys

There is a saying that I have found to be true in my life. What I focus on tends to expand. I have also learned that I'm a creature of habit. I fix my coffee the same way each morning,leave the house at the same time, and settle into a similar routine everyday. I have had to work hard to change my habit of focusing on my problems. I have a silly, yet effective saying that I repeat often, it goes " I'm bigger than my problems." This helps to remind me that I can overcome my problems, and to stop obsessing on them. Another habit that will help you focus on your joys is to write down three things you are currently thankful for before going to bed. I'm currently listening to the "Compound Effect". The book talks about how small positive steps,repeated often, can make a radical change in your life. Keeping this thankful journal is one such small step you can incorporate in your life to make a radical change.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Be strong by lifting others

Be strong by lifting others

My friend is famous for saying the most popular indoor activity is "gossip." It is very easy to get caught up in talking about others. Once the gossip begins it is easy to just keep the story going. Learn to be strong, and either stop the conversation, or at least just walk away. By doing this you will be lifting someone else. Lifting others also involves taking the time to wish them happy birthday,buying a card for someone, leaving a nice note, giving words of encouragement, and many more kind gestures. Remember, the more you lift the stronger you will become.

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